Below is our live tweet feed of Treasurer Morrison’s 2017/18 Federal Budget night speech.
Budget night doesn’t excite everyone the way it does us – we get that. However, we tried to lighten the mood and make it more interesting for our wonderful by including GIF files (animated short clips).
If the clips don’t play automatically, press the play button on each clip to view it.
We hope you enjoy our initial thoughts on the Budget accompanied by some light hearted clips.
Budget 2017. Time for responsible fiscal policy 😉
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Is your debt good, bad or ugly? #FistfulOfDollars
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Who gets excited by #Budget2017?
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
A Medicare Guarantee Fund.
Gee that Mediscare campaign really worked then. #Budget2017— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Medicare Levy up by 0.5 percentage points in two years’ time#Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Restoring pensioner concession card to those impacted by the pension assets test change – good & clever politics!#Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
6 basis point levy on the big banks’ liabilities, starting on July 1. So that'll be added straight to consumer loans#Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Mind you excludes customer deposits of less than $250,000 – good
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Those w/ "Silver bullets" in #Budget2017 Bingo winners winners, chicken dinners!
There are no silver bullets to make housing more affordable— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Increasing CGT disc to 60% for investments in affordable housing.
It's 50% assets owned > 1yr so is this material change?#Budget2017— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
1st home buyers can salary sacrifice into existing super a/c
'First Home Super Savers Scheme' Sounds like old scheme reheated#Budget2017— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
First Home Super Savers Scheme – Contributions limited to $30,000 per person in total and $15,000 per year#Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Age > 65 (frm 66 not 64? – that's odd) make non-concessional contrib up to $300,000 into super frm home proceeds not counted cap #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Government "prefer the scalpel to the chainsaw". Who had that in Budget Bingo?#Phew #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Foreign investment levy $5k on future foreign investors fail to occupy/ lease property for 6 mnths pa#Budget2017 #Foreigner #Gettit?
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
That has to be Bingo for someone out there!!!!!
"Government lives within its means"— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Updated note 10-5-17: This is actually incorrect. the Government is disallowing deductions for travel expenses for all properties regardless of when they were bought. For properties bought after today, the Government will limit plant and equipment depreciation deductions to only those expenses directly incurred by investors.
No big surprises I can see in #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Nearly all the more interesting changes have already been hoisted up the flag pole to see who saluted them pre #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
"Government lives within its means" twice in the same speech.
Those words must have focus grouped well (did I just verbalise that?)— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Ok I've come to the end of speech. Every tweet with GIF – seemed like a good idea to lighten #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Given expense rorting of politicians, can we have random drug and alcohol testing during sitting days? And out off season testing?
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Ok, now for #Budget2017 analysis & interviews
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Yeah, sure, banks won't pass that levy on to customers. And I believe in the Easter Bunny & Tooth Fairy too. #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Why is the first analysis about the bl**dy politics of #Budget2017
What about economics of it?— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Accountants at the big banks right now. How do we pass this all on to our customers Newman?#Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
A "Smart tax"? The Wolf Pack would be proud of that! Glad it's not a dumb tax.#Hangover #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Ok #Budget20017 wasn't very exciting
But that's a good thing, not many material changes for our clients to worry about
Slowly step away— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Labor's anti #Budget2017 ad is already out. That was quick.
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Thinking fwd now LNP has introduced 6bps tax on bank deposits >250k, won't be able to argue against Labor increasing to say 10bps
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Deficit levy gone, Medicare levy up.
Cynical? You may well think that but i couldn't possibly comment#Budget2017— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
Ok, in wake of some reasonably good LNP #Budget2017 press, we now seek a comment from a random backbencher to get things back on track
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
The removal of the deficit levy clearly is because the deficit is now no longer a problem. #Budget2017
— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017
So who wins #Budget2017?
The secrets revealed.— Tim Mackay ?? (@timqfadvice) May 9, 2017