Dear Mark
An open letter to the CEO of the FPA
Congratulations on your successful tenure as CEO of the Financial Planning Association. Due to your leadership over the last 6 years, the industry is in a stronger position, it is significantly more professional and financial planning’s future is incredibly bright.
When you were appointed to the role in 2010 we know how difficult it was for you. You took over an industry association dominated by financial organisations; a membership with no minimal tertiary qualification requirements; and with low consumer recognition of the Certified Financial Planner professional designation.
You leave the FPA as an economically thriving professional body comprising individual professional members rather than institutional members.
You successfully raised the minimum requirement of entry to the Certified Financial Planner to degree level and now Australia is following your vision.
You have created increased consumer trust and awareness in the peak global financial planning qualification, Certified Financial Planner. As a qualified Certified Financial Planner yourself, you led from the front.
In your 6 years as CEO, you’ve tirelessly represented the interests of FPA members with 6 ministers for financial services, 4 opposition spokespeople and a myriad of financial inquiries and reforms. Through a seemingly ever changing regulatory landscape, you carved a consistent, professional path that the FPA has followed under your lead.
On a more personal level, we thank you for taking the time to share your counsel with us, for patiently listening to our views and for the help you have given us.
Over 30 years ago you first sat down opposite your first financial planning client. That client was a widowed pensioner whose husband had recently died. Alone, she desperately needed trusted financial advice.
For her the world was confusing, daunting and frightening. Your advice made her future manageable, controllable and able to be navigated. You have done the same to the future of the financial planning profession.
Once again Mark, congratulations on your time as CEO. We will miss your leadership, your guidance and your wise counsel.
Mark, you have left the profession in a far stronger position than you found it 6 years ago and for that we thank you. We wish you and your family all the very best in your future endeavours.
Yours sincerely
Quantum Financial Services Australia Pty Limited
Bill Mackay
Tim Mackay
Claire Mackay