Q: What’s grey and not there?
A: A Self Managed Super Fund advisor on vacation.
We love advising our wonderful clients on their Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF). We also love enjoying the lighter side of what we do day-in-day-out 😉 So we share some of our SMSF humour with you.
Q: What do you call a Self Managed Super Fund advisor without a spreadsheet?
A: Lost.
A Self Managed Super Fund advisor is someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand.
Q: How do you drive a Self Managed Super Fund advisor completely insane?
A: Tie him/her to a chair, stand in front of him/her and set up your SMSF with individual trustees.
Q: Why do Self Managed Super Fund advisors look forward to the weekends?
A: Because they can wear casual clothes to work.
Q: How do Self Managed Super Fund advisors make a bold fashion statement?
A: They wear their dark grey socks instead of the light grey.